Monday, June 21, 2010

Change I Can't Avoid Believing In

It's been two and half weeks since my last post, and I guess there's no better time than now to resume my ramblings. A good deal has happened to me in the last few days. I won't really get into it specifically, but I will say that loss has a way of making life seem more important. While I heard this sentiment originally in an episode of Six Feet Under, I personally believe it to be true.

Change in life is unavoidable and to many out there, quite frightening. It's amazing how fear of the unknown has the impact to trump dissatisfaction with the status quo. Sometimes its just easier to remain in a rut than to risk change that could possibly leave one worse off than before. I suppose the logic is that even if life is unsatisfying, at least its familiar and mostly predictable the way it is.

Perhaps a fear of failure is to blame. This is certainly a terrible plight to experience, because this kind of fear can lead directly to the consequences one hopes to avoid. Let's compare this with other fears. Take fear of heights. Having this aversion doesn't make one more likely to fall off a tall building. The same can be said for fear of snakes, spiders, enclosed spaces, and Glenn Beck. Now it may be true that fear of failure can inspire one to try that much harder. This is certainly a possibility and probably speaks more to the character of the person who finds success.

I hope this post didn't bring ya down, but sometimes it takes a few rainy days to truly appreciate the sunshine.

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