Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Did Obama hear me?

No, Obama probably does not read this blog. However, it is a little suspicious that not long after my post about Wall Street screwing the country over left and right, I hear the news that Obama is pushing for financial reform. Then Goldman Sachs becomes the target of fraud accusations. It sort of feels like Christmas morning, only the wait for presents was long overdue.

It's about time that the government stepped in and actually started the process of creating regulations for an industry that has had none for so long. I'm sorry, but you just can't trust a business entity to do what's right or moral. Businesses are not people - they don't have that trusty little inner compass known as a conscious. Money will always beat out morals in the business world.

Cracking down on the derivatives issue is something I am particularly pleased with, as it is the heart of what's wrong with the financial system in Wall Street. Huge corporations were essentially betting against the same investments that they were recommending to their customers. If that's not fraud, then I don't know what is.

What angers me about financial reform is the fact that when this process first began, Republicans again succumbed to their knee-jerk, I-will-disagree-with-any-view-from the other side-reaction. Their collective unwillingness to actually think like reasonable human beings nearly threatened Congress' ability to debate the subject. Then I hear today that the Republicans have done an about-face. Somebody on the right must have come to his/her senses and realized that if they continued their resistance to financial reform, they were essentially alienating themselves from all the Joe the Plumbers that continually support them in every election. By fighting the Dems on this issue, they were basically siding with Wall Street, which would akin to political suicide.

Despite the many differences that exist between voters in this country, most people can still agree that it sucks to have money taken out of your pockets. If you don't agree with that, then you are probably the one taking the loot in the first place. And if you are that person, well, you suck.

Congress needs to prove to the country that bipartisan politics is not a thing of the past. We can all agree that Healthcare reform was a nasty battle, with many on the other side coming out of it with feelings of intense bitterness. It would be nice to see politicians who are able to put such raw emotions aside and continue to focus on what's best for the country. Don't we deserve that after all we've been through?


Oh and on a side note, Jon Stewart totally opened up a can of whoop ass on Fox News slimeball Bernie Goldberg. I think that's his name. Anyway, the fact that this guy even picks a fight with a late-night comedian is a testament to how insecure he really is. And I'm sorry, but if you're a major news network and you are constantly getting into political arguments with a program on Comedy Central, you've already lost the battle.

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